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Our Mission

To provide comprehensive care to improve the overall

physical, mental, and educational health for children living in Knox County.

Vine School Health Center is a school-based physical and mental health center located in the Langland Building of the Vine Middle Magnet School in Knoxville, TN. The Vine School Health Center is a collaborative effort between Knox County Schools and the University of Tennessee, College of Nursing.

Vine School Health Center (VSHC) has been providing comprehensive care to the children of Knox County, TN since 1995 and is an exemplar of community partnership. When the VSHC opened its primary focus was providing physical healthcare within a school facility. In 2011, recognizing that many students had unmet social, academic, and mental health care needs, the VSHC initiated an interprofessional practice to meet these needs. The expansion of services enabled the center's social workers to provide mental health evaluations, counseling and play therapy services to children their families as well as assist families with issues related to food/housing/ clothing and applying for health insurance. Currently, VSHC provides care at their physical location on Langland Street to children from birth to 21 years of age who will be, or are, students in Knox County. VSHC has also expanded its healthcare delivery method to include telehealth services to eleven Knox County Schools. In addition to the availability of telehealth services weekdays, a nurse practitioner is on-site at each of the schools at least half a day, once per week to provide healthcare services.

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In The News


Lessons in health care: Vine center fills community gap - Knoxville New Sentinel

"We know that children who are not healthy can't learn. That's what school-based health care is all about: meeting those unmet needs and making children successful in school."


Nurses Help Kids at Knoxville Student Health Center -

"The goal of the center is to make a difference in kids' lives on a variety of levels."


American Academy of Nursing - Edge Runner Award

"Many school-age children lack access to quality health care and other essential services to meet their needs and support their physical, mental, and behavioral health."


Vine School Health Center Utilizes UT Nursing Students - UT Daily Beacon

"Many see the clinic as a way for nursing students to get hands-on career experience. I collaborate with the NP on site for each patient, and together we come up with a treatment plan or provide needed health promotion."


"The best place ever for kids. I go here and they all treat me like family. Amazing place to go to. I've been here for years. They are professional and great people."


Phone (865) 594-5078    Fax (865) 594-3921


220 Langland Street, Knoxville, TN 37915


Open  Monday - Friday  8:00am - 4:30pm


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